Now is the time to choose the best Yogawear.

You feel comfortable.

Show your body line.

* 高腰剪裁

* 高彈裸感布料舒適透氣

* 可自行修改褲長

* 自由碼數適合任何尺碼人仕

* 適合專業瑜伽運動使用
* 高腰剪裁

* 高彈裸感布料舒適透氣

* 可自行修改褲長

* 自由碼數適合任何尺碼人仕

* 適合專業瑜伽運動使用
black navy-blue porcelain lead +4
"Air-Light 2.0" 高腰收腹瑜珈運動褲(8色入)
The Yogi Yogawear
THE YOGI "Side Push" 提臀側袋九分運動瑜珈褲  Yoga Bottoms Leggings
black-raspberry navy-blue black
"Side Push"提臀側袋九分運動瑜珈褲 (3色入)
The Yogi Yogawear
布料軟糯質感 透氣舒適 喇叭型褲腳設計 具提臀收腿效果 適合瑜伽及時尚配襯
布料軟糯質感 透氣舒適 喇叭型褲腳設計 具提臀收腿效果 適合瑜伽及時尚配襯
Black Kakhai-brown navy-blue Coffee-brown
Bello 高腰提臀喇叭褲
The Yogi Yogawear
THE YOGI Laser cut 高腰側袋瑜伽褲 Yoga Bottoms Leggings
THE YOGI Laser cut 高腰側袋瑜伽褲 Yoga Bottoms Leggings
khaki lake black
Laser cut 高腰側袋瑜伽褲(3色入)
The Yogi Yogawear
THE YOGI LC Light 高腰提臀瑜伽運動褲 YOGA Bottoms Leggings
THE YOGI LC Light 高腰提臀瑜伽運動褲 YOGA Bottoms Leggings
chestnut black kakhai-brown navy-blue
LC Light 高腰提臀瑜伽運動褲 (4色入)
The Yogi Yogawear

"Yoga is the

practice of quieting

your mind."

More info

"Yoga allows you

to find an inner peace."

More info

Choose the comfortable wears what you want

-The Yogi Yogawear