企業合作伙伴 / 聯盟營銷 Affiliate Program

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聯盟營銷 Affiliate Program

如果你鐘意同朋友開心Share,搜羅優惠,亦希望讓每次分享變得更有價值,仲想簡單建立你的副業,我們歡迎你加入THE YOGI 聯盟行銷計劃,不論你喺 瑜珈教練 、運動愛好者 、靜觀導師、Bloggers 或我哋舊客人,只需要透過你的社交平台分享及推廣THE YOGI 產品,促成訂單後,即可輕鬆賺取佣金啦!

1. 豐厚佣金,高達20%
2. 專業平台,操作簡單
3. 清晰數據,掌握收益
4. 簡單申請,即時加入

If you enjoy sharing promotion & discount with your friends, and hoping that it could bring some more than just happiness. Your dream comes true, THE YOGI Affiliate Program will be the best option for you to get some passive income. Not only content creators, or bloggers, but ANYONE who is willing to join can simply apply and start sharing. You can get commission on those successful purchase !

Earn Passive Income, Easy Data Tracking
1. Commission up to 20%
2. Professional Platform, Easy to Use
3. Data Validity, Easy Tracking
4. Simply Apply & Start Now